Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, please contact us for more information at 877-557-6967 or simply fill out our Contact Us form.

Yes. When you order 50+ crowns per month you will get 5% discount on your order. If you order 100+ crowns, please contact us for our tiered volume-based discount schedule.

Yes. You may place your order online, by creating an account and using your credit card to place the order. If you would like to find out an estimated shipping and/or importation cost, we’d be happy to find that information for you. Simply fill out our Contact Us form.

Absolutely, to help foster the growth of higher education, we offer generous discounts and donations for educational institutions, post graduate students and for CE courses alike. Please visit our University Programs page

You can either repair the crown, or cut it off and replace it with a new one. Kinder Krowns® are backed by a 100% replacement guarantee on returned, fractured crowns.

D2934: Pre-fabricated esthetic coated stainless steel crown- primary tooth

D2929: Prefabricated porcelain/ceramic crown – primary tooth.

Whatever you use to cement regular stainless steel crowns can be used to cement Kinder Krowns®. The cement of choice by the majority of dentists is a resin-modified glass ionomer or straight glass ionomer.

You may use a resin-modified, or straight glass-ionomer to ensure proper esthetics and retention to the natural dentition. However, many dentists are using a straight glass ionomer, such as Ketac™ CEM with Zirconia Kinder Krowns®. Using the powder liquid version, mixing it slightly thicker than normal will allow the cement to cure quicker and bond better to the crown and tooth structure.