What’s in your patient’s mouth?

When you are about to make a purchase, do you ever ask yourself, “Is this American made?” That question is not as simple as a matter of national pride. When factors such as safety, economic security and health are weighed in, the gravity of that question becomes more apparent. Aside from supply chain security, when you buy domestically manufactured goods, you can be rest assured in what materials are being used to fabricate them. Other countries do not adhere to the...


CUSP-TIP: Crown Adjustment

If you need to shorten a crown, you may do so using a high-speed with a fine, zirconia specific diamond, holding the bur at a 45 degree angle to the crown's margin. While adjusting, you must use copious amounts of water, as excessive heat can cause microfractures in the zirconia. You should adjust on the incisal/occlusal surface or crown walls, as that can cause weak areas in the crown. Want to get your hands on an adjustment kit of your own? Click...


Re-Register Now!

Our team of web developers recently launched the enhanced KinderKrowns.com website. The goal in our redesign was to increase the responsiveness, provide impactful content, improve navigation and make reordering straightforward for our customers.With the migration to our new server, you will need to re-register to place orders online. The process takes about 30 seconds - simply click on the registration link below, enter your details and then click on register. RE-REGISTER NOW *Your actual account in our billing software has not been affected by the migration.

Cusp Tips


One of the most common questions we are asked by new customers is “After intra-oral try-ins, how do you clean Zirconia Kinder Krowns®?” For years our customers have simply been cleaning the intaglio with water spray to remove blood and debris. If they find dried blood that’s not easily removed, they use a cotton swab with alcohol to clean it. The mechanical retention eliminates the need for a second set of crowns that are only to be used for try-ins. If...

Mid-Size Zirconia Krowns


One daily dilemma a pediatric dentist faces is restoring posterior cases which have space loss. And when restoring back to back crowns aesthetically, the additional thickness of aesthetic crowns, although slight, can cause a lack of confidence in even the most experienced pediatric dentist. This is why we developed our aesthetic mid-size crowns, which offer a solution that will help you succeed in each of these cases! Mid-size crowns were created to combat the issues commonly seen in these cases. For...

Prep Anterior

Vital aspects of your preparation.

Once you’ve selected your crown, it’s time for tooth reduction. With Zirconia Kinder Krowns®, we recommend reducing 1-1/5mm of tooth structure, followed by feathering your margins. When prepping for an SSC, you typically do not remove much, if any tooth structure on the buccal and lingual surface of the tooth. When prepping circumferentially, keep your bur parallel to the tooth. It’s very common for us to see over prepared occlusal/incisal surface and under reduced margins. Next, try-in your crown. If it fits passively...

Crown Selection

Selecting the appropriately sized Zirconia Pediatric Crown.

The key to selecting the appropriately sized crown is knowing how much interproximal space you’re working with. If you choose a crowns size that’s too large, you’ll end up having to adjust the adjacent teeth. If you choose a size that’s too small, you’ll end up over reducing the tooth and potentially contacting the pulp. To select a crown, hold the crown up to the existing dentition to gauge the appropriate size. Alternatively, if you have a digital x-ray system, you...



Choosing the right cement can make a world of difference with zirconia pediatric crowns. The best cement choice for Zirconia Kinder Krowns® is a straight glass ionomer. We recommend using the powder liquid version and to mix it thick. A thick mix allows the cement to cure quickly and it easily displaces any blood or saliva that is present. GI cements are heme tolerant, hydrophilic and have a clinically proven track record of success with preformed crowns. They also have minimal...